
Service for buyers and sellers who want to secure their money and avoid problems and litigation

Save your money

Require the figure of a fiduciary or Escrow in order to safeguard your money and guarantee your payment or your collection in your important purchases and sales.

Applicable to any type of transaction: real estate, farms, companies, vehicles, works of any kind, purchase and sale of source codes, digital creations, orders to freelance professionals, cryptocurrency transactions, work contracts, sale of jewelry, furniture, etc.

Secure your transaction, without the risk of non-payment or insolvency of the buyer and ensuring the seller’s compliance without having to resort to lengthy, uncertain and costly legal proceedings.

Advantages for the buyer

By using a trustee or escrow and depositing the money, it will not be paid to the seller until the purchased goods are in the buyer’s possession and everything is to his satisfaction.

Advantages for the seller

The seller is assured of receiving the full price of what he sells, with no last-minute surprises, and no risk of non-payment because the money is not in the possession of the buyer, who can take over what is sold and not pay the full price.

How does ScrowSpain work?

Contact your trustee or Escrow for advice and safekeeping of your money.

The trustee or escrow will review the purchase contract to verify its legality.

The buyer’s money is deposited in the escrow account of the trustee or escrow.

Once the transaction is formalized, the trustee or Escrow proceeds to the payment of the property.

In case of default, the trustee or escrow will return the money to the buyer.

Real estate investments in Spain for companies

From our web site we will offer you several real estate offers in Spain that can be interesting for foreign investors. These investments will not be, generally, less than one million euros, so they will be important investments and especially aimed at foreign clients who want to enjoy the quality of life in Spain.

Contact us about your case

Protege tu dinero y evita riesgos innecesarios con un agente fiduciario.
Déjanos tus datos y te contactaremos para ayudarte a garantizar la seguridad de tus fondos...
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Protege tu dinero y evita riesgos innecesarios con un agente fiduciario.